Appliance Master - News, Tips and Videos

Is It Luck Or Good Sense

Taking Care Of Your Washing Machine When it comes to your washing machine, making sensible choices can save you from costly repairs and unexpected disasters. Here are some tips to ensure your washer stays in...

Category - Laundry Room

Honest Advice With Love From Your Dryer

Let’s be honest, you don’t really want to think about your dryer, you just want it to work, right? Here is some penny-wise advice given with love from your dryer… Do you overload it? See below: The...

Washing Machine Tips

In this episode of APPLIANCE MASTER LIVE – Bill wraps up our series on washing machine tips by providing useful information to keep your washing machine running and your clothes smelling their best. If you have...

Washing Machines And The Environment

Spring is almost here and you don’t want to be stuck inside doing laundry! Here are some tips to get the most efficiency from your washing machine: 1. Are you sure your clothes are dirty? Consider wearing items...

Mother and daughter looking at laptop in kitchen

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